Managed Account
Cam-VIP Fund
Dedicated Account

Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs):

  • Investment portfolios are tailored to client’s needs and preferences (with our consultation)
  • Capital contributions and withdrawals at client’s discretion
  • Monthly account statement and market commentary (or on a more frequent basis if necessary)
  • Regular dialogue with Portfolio Manager on each investment (if requested)

Since its inception in 2004, the average return of our SMAs topped the VNIndex in 16 of the last 20 years, and significantly outperformed the ETFs and other actively managed Vietnam-focused funds.  As of June 30th, 2024, the SMA’s history-to-date return was 1,513.0% on a USD basis.


Minimum Contribution

USD 200,000

Management Fee


Incentive Fee

15%, high water-mark

Vehicle Fee

0.3 – 0.5%

Investment Vehicle

Mekong Portfolio Investments Limited  (MPIL)


Deutsche Bank


Indochina Capital Advisors

Auditor of MPIL


CAM-VIP fund:

  • ASEAN CAM-VIP (VIP Fund) is an open-ended fund listed in Japan, which invests in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippines listed equities. The VIP Fund was launched in November 2012.  Capital Asset Management, the fund’s lead manager, has partnered with ICA to provide investment advice and on-the-ground knowledge for the Vietnam allocation. ICA’s investment mandate is comprised of companies which are domiciled and listed in Vietnam.
  • ICA also considers securities of companies that generate an important portion of their revenues from Vietnam, and those that demonstrate a significant and/or dominant position in the Vietnamese market.
  • As of June 30th, 2024, the VIP Fund’s return since inception was 127.5% , while the Vietnam portion gained 905.1% during the same period.

Vietnam Dedicated Account:

  • The Vietnam Dedicated Account (VDA) is a private mutual fund set up in Turks and Caicos Islands by Bordier & Cie. The VDA was started in January 2014 and is suitable for and available only to professional investors.
  • As of June 30th, 2024, the VDA’s return since inception was 335.8%.

Our main competitive advantage lies in our separately managed accounts that offer customized portfolios for each investor. This structure is favoured by high-net worth individuals and family offices, as they have the option to get involved in the decision-making process.